[. . . ] This happens in particular when wheat flour is used owing to its greater content of gluten. Too much milk affects the fermentation of the yeast c Het brood zakt in het midden in Het deegvolume is groter dan het bakblik kan bevatten en het brood zakt in a/f Het fermenteren was te kort of te snel, als gevolg van te hoge temperatuur van het water of de c/h/l bakruimte, of als gevolg van te hoge vochtigheid. helemaal geen zout of te weinig zout a/b Te veel vloeistof f/g Zware , klontachtige structuur. Te veel bloem of niet genoeg vloeistof a/b/g Te veel fruit, volkoren of één van de andere ingrediënten a/b Too much fruit, wholewheat or one of the other ingredients b Oude bloem d Het brood is in het midden niet gaar . [. . . ] If the bread must have a particular aspect after baking, proceed as follows: before the last rising phase (the display must show a remaining processing time of approx. 1:30 hours, depending on the program) open the lid with caution and shortly and carve the bread crust while it is forming with a sharp pre-heated knife, scatter cereals on it or spread a mixture of potato flour and water on the crust to give it a glossy finish. This is the last time that the lid can be opened; otherwise the bread will go down in the middle. The lower the type number, the less roughage the flour contains and the lighter it will be. The term “wholewheat” means that the flour was ground from whole grain and hence it has a greater contents of roughage thus making the wholewheat flour darker. However, the use of wholewheat flour does not make the bread darker as is widely believed. In order to make it easily digestible a rye wholewheat bread with leaven is to be made. The dough will rise only if one part of type 550 flour is added to every four parts of rye flour without gluten. The higher the type number, the lower the gluten contents of the flour are and the less the dough will rise. A) Corn, rice and potato flour are suitable for people allergic to gluten or for those who suffer from sprue or celiac disease. B) Spelt flour is very expensive, but it is free from chemical additives because spelt grows on very poor soil and requires no fertilizers. It can be used in all those recipes described in the operating instructions requiring flour types 405, 550 or 1050. C) Millet flour is especially suitable for people suffering from many allergies. It can be used in all recipes requiring flour types 405, 550 or 1050 as described in the operating instructions. D) Durum wheat flour is suitable for baguettes thanks to its consistency and it can be replaced with durum wheat semolina. If a mashed boiled potato is added to the flour and kneaded in the dough the fresh bread is easier to digest. Storage • Ensure that the appliance is clean and dry and has cooled down complete before storing. € We recommend to store the appliance in its orginial packaging when not using the appliance for a longer period of time. € Store the appliance out of reach of children and at a well ventilated dry place. Baking Q & A • The bread sticks to the container after baking Leave the bread to cool for about 10 minutes after baking – turn the container upside down. € How do you avoid the forming of holes in the bread owing to the presence of the kneading hooks You can remove the kneading hooks with your fingers covered with flour before leaving the dough to rise for the last time (see “Program Sequence Bread Maker”). If you proceed with caution, you can avoid the forming of a large hole. [. . . ] The part of the bread outside the tin is more easily browned compared to the bread in the tin. € When the SCHNELL or ULTRA SCHNELL program is suggested for SÜSSES BROT, you can use the ingredients in smaller quantities to make lighter bread. Baking Results • The baking result depends on the on-site conditions (soft water high humidity - high altitude - consistency of the ingredients, etc. Therefore, the recipe indications are reference points, which can be adjusted. [. . . ]